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Storytelling – Web Trend 2015

By Design, web design, Website

A website is a great tool for reaching a wider audience and drawing people in for a product, a place, or a person. There are many ways to keep people interested once they land on your website, but if we have learned anything from books it’s that a good story can keep us hooked for hours.

In 2015 great stories have crept in to the world of websites and now it’s a great way to keep people on your page whether it’s a visual story, a written one, or a combination of the two. Most designers utilize the scroll feature to tell the story; leading you through the site. The story is rarely pointless as usually it gets to the point in the end and tries to sell you something or advertise someone’s abilities or work but what else are websites for?

When appropriate, we really like this style and below are some examples of websites using the style to the best of it’s abilities.

Three Dimensional Space – Web Trend 2015

By web design, Website

Flat website designs are not a thing of the past yet, but we are seeing the 3D designs take over…

A 3D design adds so much depth to a site. It makes it more of an adventure, rather than the basic scroll up/scroll down. The more fun and interesting the design is, the more you are going to remember it and that’s why the 3D designs are starting to dominate.

It’s not very often that a business focused company like a bank or an insurance company would use this style, it’s more for websites trying to send a message or make their site more interactive. There is nothing worse than a static webpage that doesn’t stand out and does nothing to engage the viewer.

When appropriate, we really like this style and below are some examples of websites using the style to the best of it’s abilities.

TCmarketing SEO

5 Reasons Why Your Search Engine Rankings Might Have Dropped

By Link Building, SEO

Have your website rankings dropped recently in Google? Don’t panic! Before you do anything, you should find try to establish the cause of the problem. The better you understand the reason why your search engine rankings have gone down, the more likely you can prevent future ranking drops.

There are usually five major reasons why your web pages are ranked lower than before:

Reason 1: your website changes / a new website is launched

Most website owners / webmasters will try and update their web pages regularly. As long as the changes are only small and the content being added is relevant to your business and of value to your readers this will not have any negative effect on your rankings. However, if you re-design your web pages or if you optimise a page for a different topic than it is currently optimised for then search engines might reassess your search engine rankings.

Many webmasters, ourselves included, believe that Google has a filter for new website where the change is not managed correctly (the so-called ‘sandbox’). If you change your web pages and don’t do the right things, Google are likely to temporarily down-rank your website to make sure that you are not spamming them.

Solution: You need to encourage them to index your new webpages quickly by submitting a new xml sitemap via a Google Webmaster Tools account.

If you have web pages that have high rankings in Google for important keywords, only change these pages with great care. Make sure that most pages of your website are relevant to the topic of your site. Relevancy to the topic is as important as relevance to a particular keyword. If a new site is being launched create redirects from these highly ranked pages to the new pages that replace them.

Reason 2: the links to your website are problematic

If you have an old website with an established link structure then it’s not likely that your site rankings will drop because of a link change.

If the links to your site are mainly paid links or include a significant proportion of automatically created links from past SEO initiatives then it is likely that your website has been penalised by Google. Sudden changes in the link structure of a website make a website look suspiciously spammy to the search engines.

Solution: If you still use shady automated link building tools or services, stop it now.

New links should be relevant, good quality and built steadily over a period. Link building is a process, not an event. If you don’t work on the links that point to your website then your website will be replaced by websites with a better link structure.

Reason 3: the websites of your competitors change

Everybody wants to be on page one of Google’s results – there are only 10 places! For that reason, it’s only natural that other websites will be listed better than yours if you don’t always view your website as continual work in progress.

Many websites target the same topics and keywords as you do. If these other websites have better content and better links than your site then it’s understandable as to why these sites get better rankings.

Solution: You must offer better content than your competitors. Make sure that you offer many web pages that are relevant to what you do – your products, your services, your expertise and experience. You should also have link building programme in place so that your link profile is stronger than that of your competitors.

Reason 4: your web pages contain spam

Search engines don’t like spam. If search engines find out that you use cloaking, hidden text, doorway pages or any other spam technique on your web pages then it is extremely likely that your website will be penalised.

Solution: Don’t try to cheat Google. It’s simply not worth it if you want to develop a sustainable business online. Remove all spam elements from your web pages. Just because your website hasn’t been penalised yet doesn’t mean that search engines won’t find the spam elements in the near future.

Reason 5: technical problems

Your web server can be the reason for a ranking drop. If your website is down when the search engine spider tries to access your website then search engines cannot give your web pages high rankings because they cannot see your pages.

Some websites display the correct web page in the web browser but the server returns an error code. In that case, search engines won’t index the web pages.

Solution: Make sure that your website is hosted on a reliable server that has no downtime. An SEO web audit will inform you if there are any technical issues on your web pages that can cause ranking problems.

There will be times when there is no obvious reason for a website to drop in the rankings. Again, don’t panic such events are usually short lives and if you stick to a regime of good quality relevant content and good quality relevant links your website will always do OK.

For more information about our SEO Audit services, content marketing and link building services please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877

Media Masonry – Web Trend 2015

By web design

If its not one large image or video its lots of smaller ones stuck together. However, that doesn’t mean it looks bad.

Media grids and masonry are popular on portfolio and gallery sites and it works well. It’s a great way to show a lot of images or videos from one window of space. Each image/video complete with its own hover animation and link. The way the images/videos are laid out can be different depending on the style of the business. It doesn’t have to be just 2D rectangular media, they can be paralaxed, opaque, roll-overs, animated, or 3D.

When appropriate, we really like this technique and below are some examples of using the style to the best of it’s abilities. We have also used this technique in some of our websites.

Brighton SEO - Tyler Consultants

Even Google Need an SEO Specialist – How about Your Brighton Business?


Search Engine Optimisation is so important that even Google is looking for an SEO Program Manager to help it to improve the organic rankings of their own web pages! If you think that your website does not need search engine optimisation, it might be time for you to think again.

What exactly is Google looking for?

Google has posted a job offer for a full-time ‘Program Manager for Technical SEO‘:

“As a Program Manager for Technical SEO, you will work with cross-functional teams across Marketing, Sales, Product Development, Engineering and more to help drive organic traffic and business growth.

You will take part in website development and optimization, help shape blog and social strategy, improve website code hygiene and define web architecture for international websites.”

Google: search engine optimisation is important

Google’s job offer has several implications:

1. Even though Google is the most visited website in the world, they still acknowledge the importance of search engine optimisation. Even Google needs to comply and compete.

2. Google are saying that they are following responsible search practices and that they want to compete fairly in their own search results.

3. Google has an enormous marketing budget, far more than any Brighton business I would suggest, nevertheless, they find SEO very valuable for their marketing purposes.

The message is Stop Spamming, start doing SEO

Note that the ad is talking about search engine optimisation, not about spamming. So forget about what used to pass as SEO – automated link building tools, article spinners or other shady SEO methods.

If you want to be successful, you have to start doing real SEO. This involves a minimum 4 step process:

1. Create good web page content

2. Optimise that content

3. Make sure that search engines can index your web pages

4. Improve the links that point to your site, etc.

We can help you with any / all of the above. To find out more about our Organic SEO services please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877

Innovative Navigation – Web Trend 2015

By web design

Websites are changing the way you navigate them, making it easier and much more interesting to scroll your way through the site.

All scrolling used to be was vertical but now there are better ways to work your way up and down, left and right, or in and out. Not only are there new ways to navigate, but it can be much more visually pleasing with animations and pop-ups that are activated by scrolling.

Parallax effects are becoming increasingly popular with designers. It makes the content jump of the page and makes the page look deeper and more three-dimensional.

When appropriate, we really like this technique and below are some examples of using the style to the best of it’s abilities. We have also used this technique in some of our websites.

TCmarketing SEO

SEO For Brighton Business – It’s All or Nothing

By Design, SEO, Website

One of the main problems with online marketing is that it is often an “all or nothing” game. The best Brighton business websites will get the deal and all other competing websites will get nothing, no matter how good they are.

For example, suppose someone wants to buy a new mobile phone. The person searches Google, takes a look at the top 10 results and then decides to buy something on one of the sites. That means that one site gets the sale and the other sites get nothing.

If you make the change from being one of the discarded sites to the site that is chosen by the searcher then obviously your sales will increase dramatically. You’ll make the change from getting nothing to getting everything. How can you do that? Here are a few pointers:

  1. Choose slightly better keywords

Being better than your competitors starts with choosing the right keywords. If you target keywords that are not being used by the people who want to buy then you might get a lot of visitors but no sales.

Your web pages should be optimised for the keywords that attract people who are looking for the products and services that you sell on your website and who are ready to buy.

Thorough keyword research is the key and we can help.

  1. Get slightly better rankings

While it is important to target the right keywords, your website must also be found on the first few entries on page one of the search results page if you are to attract customers.

Most people only take a look at the top 5 or 6 results on the first page of the search results. If your website cannot be found in these first few results for your keywords then potential customers are far less likely to find your website.

We can help you put in pace an organic SEO strategy to achieve a high page one ranking.

  1. Be slightly more convincing

It’s not enough just to be listed on the first search engine result page either. Your Brighton business website must also be fit for purpose. It should offer exactly what the customer is looking for, it should have a professional design and it should make it as easy as possible for the customer to buy from you.

That is why it is so important to improve the conversion rate of your web pages. With a higher conversion rate, you can generate more money with the same number of website visitors.

A trustworthy and professionally designed website for your Brighton business with a good conversion rate also has positive side-effects. Your customers will probably buy time and time again from your company and people are more likely to link to your website which is still great for SEO.

Be slightly better and you get everything

It takes some time to optimise your web pages correctly, but it is worth the effort. Even small changes can have a huge impact on the number of sales that you achieve. Make the change from being one of the discarded sites to the site that gets the sale and your sales will go through the roof.

Remember that your competitors are also working on their websites. Even if you are better than your competitors you have to continue with the optimisation to stay ahead in the game.

For more information about out Professional web design and SEO services for Brighton businesses please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877

Bigger Is Better – Web Trend 2015

By web design

Bigger Is Better

Websites are getting bigger and better every year. For designers, a larger more expansive canvas allows for some innovative designs that push the boundaries of how a website can draw people in and introduce them to something exciting.

A lot of websites today are going all out, mainly with their front pages. They most often consist of a large image or video with only a title or a few words over the top that covers the whole page above the fold.  That along with a hidden or sometimes non-existing main menu makes a simple yet eyecatching design. The reason for this trend is mostly visual. With this design you are able to hit you’re users with a wow factor as soon as they enter the site. Its also easy to code and works well on other media platforms like smartphones and tablets.

It does not have to be just the home page, large open designs are becoming increasingly popular. Spaced out text with large background images. when it comes down to it you dont necessarily want people to be drawn to the text. By keeping small amounts of text spaced out the site is not overwhelming the user with information and keeps their experence on the site relaxing and memorable.

When appropriate, we really like this technique and below are some examples of using the style to the best of it’s abilities. We have also used this technique in some of our websites.

TCmarketing SEO

SEO in Brighton – Is Your Website Ready to go on a Date with Google?


This is the latest in a series of SEO Articles for Brighton Business.

If you want to get high rankings for your business website on Google, you have to make sure your site meets all the demands of Google’s ranking algorithm. When Google’s web crawler visits your web pages, it’s just like having a date with Google.

Here’s how to make sure that this date goes the way you want it to:

  1. Check your appearance

Web design is very important for your Brighton business. Does your website look good compared with those of your main competitors? Can all the important pages be found quickly and easily? Can search engines see all the pages of your site? Does your website look good on desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones? Does it display correctly on all browsers?

The appearance of your website has an influence on the successful outcome of your date with Google.

  1. Be on time

If you don’t show up on the date, Google won’t index your web pages. If your web pages deliver error codes, Google won’t be able to index them. If you’re late (read: slow loading web pages), you won’t make a good impression. Slow loading pages and web pages with error codes usually do not get high rankings. Check your web pages load speed with one of the many free tools available to make sure that everything is okay.

  1. Conversation matters

Talk about the right things on your first date and chances are that there will be a second date. The content on your web pages is important for SEO. Offer interesting and compelling content that encourages website visitors to become your customers. Search engines like web pages with good quality, frequently updated, relevant content.

If you talk about strange things (spammy and automatically-created content), the date will go wrong. Better avoid that awkward moment if you want to get high rankings.

  1. Are you a nice person?

Your family, your friends and your acquaintances define who you are in real life. If they think that you are a rather unfriendly person, chances are that you really are an unfriendly person.

When it comes to your website’s date with Google, the links that point to your site define the quality of your site. If your website has many low-quality links or links from spammy websites, it is likely that Google won’t trust your site.

If a high quality website links to your site (a very trustworthy person is your friend) then you can expect a ranking boost from that link. We can help you to find out who is linking to your website by running a link profile test.

Dating Google can be tricky. SEO can be tricky and engaging with an SEO agency that doesn’t understand what they are doing and what the ‘rules of dating’ are just because they are cheap is false economy.

Call us today on 01273 328877 to see how we can help you make a match with Google. If preferred please leave a comment below.

web design in Brighton by Tyler Consutants

Choosing The Right Web Design Company in Brighton

By web design

Founded in 1998, we are a full-service marketing company and design agency with a focus to help companies get the most from their marketing potential. We also specialise in web design in Brighton, UK. Over the years we have produced a solid reputation for building and designing websites that look modern and are exceptionally easy to use. With this experience and knowledge we know exactly what aspects and factors you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right web design company for your business.

As a business owner you will no doubt already know that in order to succeed within an incredibly strong competitive market you will need to be able to offer the best brand experience for all of your loyal and potential customers. During the past decade the way companies market their brand has changed significantly as a result of social media platforms and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

These new methods of browsing and buying have allowed consumers increased power to choose the brand they wish to commit too. This new type of consumer can often leave business owners with the fundamental task of finding the right and best website design company to deliver their company’s message to their targeted audience and potential customers in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Across the UK there are hundreds of web design companies popping up here, there, and everywhere, which means there are plenty to choose from, but how can you decide which one is right for you? Without a strong and user friendly web design, you are unfortunately placing both your company and brand at a disadvantage if you are trying to grow your company’s brand online.

There is an abundance of professional website design companies in Brighton, London, Edinburgh and all other major cities, but many don’t understand that a clean and effective website is well designed website that can help you grow your business and brand with ease.

So before you start to work your way through the mountain of web design companies out there, it is important to understand what basic things you should always expect and what they should be doing for you.

  • Design your website’s physical design such as layout, colours, etc.
  • Setup your websites CMS.
  • Place any static web pages that you may need.
  • Setup a control panel or publishing page where you can add new content/products
  • Provide you with any logins and passwords to the CMS so you can edit the website.
  • Inform you of how to use the CMS if you don’t understand.

Now that you understand a little more about what to expect from your web design company, it time to think about where they are based. If your company is situated in Brighton, a web design company in Brighton is preferred, as they are close and meetings can be arranged quickly and easily.

Below you will find five quick tips on how to choose the right web design company for your business and brand.

  1. Take a look at a company’s web design portfolio.

As like many artists, web designers all come with their own bespoke design style. This means you will more than likely find a designer who creates websites with the exact look that you want for your company branding. If you have found a designer or a company, make sure that you browse through the samples of websites on their portfolio.

  1. Communicate with the web design company, tell them what it is that you need.

As with any good service, you expect them to be honest. A good designer should be entirely honest with you and tell you exactly how capable they are at achieving what you are looking for. The true sign of a good designer is that they will talk about your company, your services and products to gain a real insight on what angles to take when designing your website.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company that promises to put your website on the first page of Google.

Placing your website on the front page and the first rank of Google is not your website designers job. Their job is to design and to provide you with the necessary tools so that your website has the potential to get to the front page of Google and other search engines. Any designer or company who promises the first page of Google in their sales package should be avoided.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company who will charge you to make updates.

Every website on the world wide web is continually in progress. When a website is ‘finished’ it never truly is, as new products and content should be added on a regular basis. This means, if you are a company that needs to update their website with new content and products each week or month, you do not want to be spending a fortune updating it.

  1. Don’t choose a web design company who designs websites all in Flash.

Many of us are aware that Google can search Flash websites, but they often come across tacky and dated. It increases website load time significantly (which may hurt your ranking), they don’t work on all browsers, they certainly do not work on some mobile devices and flash websites are not always user friendly.

If you would like to know more about our web design services in Brighton please leave a comment below or call us on 01273 328877