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A logo is a fundamental part of your brand’s identity and it’s the first thing a potential customer will see. In fact, we’ve already gone over the impact a great logo can make to your business. But how much should a logo design cost? As with all spending, you want to weigh the cost of logo design against the quality and value you will gain for your business. 

Ultimately, the cost of your logo design depends entirely on who you decide to work with. Here’s a rough breakdown of costs and what you can expect for your money. 


Online Logo Creation Tools: £10 – £50

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on a logo, there are online logo creation tools such as Canva or Looka that make designing a logo easy. Whilst the majority of the templates on these platforms are of high quality, you sacrifice individuality and brand differentiation as there might already be a company using a similar design. 

Realistically, you should only use these tools if you’re extremely budget conscious and you’re okay with having a generic design for your company. 


Freelancers & Students: £50 – £100

You can find a range of freelance designers and design students online. Popular websites such as Fiverr have thousands of independent designers with relatively quick turnaround times. However, whilst there are many talented designers on this platform, finding one that’s going to be great for your business can be like finding a needle in a haystack because the ability of these freelancers can vary quite substantially. 

When using platforms like Fiverr, these freelancers can often have multiple jobs (sometimes hundreds) happening concurrently so they may not have the time to get to know your business and fully understand how your logo feeds into the values you hold as a company. This is why it’s worth doing some research yourself and seeing the sort of work they’ve done before and if they seem like a good fit for your company. 

If you don’t have the time to design a logo yourself but you still want to keep a tight grip on the budget, finding a freelancer online is a good way to go, but be prepared to sacrifice some uniqueness for the price you pay. 


Marketing and Design Agencies: £100+

Marketing and design agencies understand the importance of a great logo and how it can influence everything about a business. This is why, when working with an agency, they often think about the bigger picture and (depending on the price) can work with you to create a top-to-bottom branding package. Similar to hiring a freelancer for your logo design, you should do some research into their previous work, style and client satisfaction to make sure they’re a good fit for your business but, generally speaking, you are liable to be much safer in the hands of a business.


There are so many logo design services out there and each one of them has pros and cons but hopefully this overview of how much a logo design should cost will set you on the right track for your business and budget. Whatever solution you choose will need to make sense for the budget you have for logo design. If you’re searching for a freelancer or an agency, you need to consider the reputation of the designer and ensure that they are listening to what makes your business stand out. 

To talk to us about our logo design services (from £99) then please don’t hesitate to get in contact!

For more inspiration, have a look at our favourite logo designs in Brighton or 15 common logo design errors.